Monday, February 28, 2011


♫I didn't bring her up
so they could cut her down
I didn't bring her here
so they could shut her out
I live my whole damn life
to see that little girl smile
so why are tears pouring down
that sweet face?
she wasn't brought up that way♫

I'm really sad cause I couldn't find a video of the song the lyrics are from. Its a really good song. It's a Taylor Swift song called "Brought up that way" and hasn't 'official' been released, but it got leaked somehow, ha. But it's amazing either way. I looked for it on youtube, but it was all bad. I want everyone to check it out because its amazing. Its a father daughter song, its simply brilliant. Its a wonderful thing, the relationship between a dad and a daughter, its something special. And I have been lucky enough to have the most stubborn pain in the butt father in the world, and no matter how many times he's screwed up he's always there for me, and i'm thankful for that.

Adore your Daddy's!

Onto another topic, yeah? I'm a Ke$ha addict. For real.
Check out some of her other songs, that aren't on the radio, cause they are AMAZING. :]

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