Tuesday, June 28, 2011



I'm in a serious positive place right now! For one, the song is just amazing, is makes you wanna boogie. Plus, it's gonna be on just dance 3, how exciting is that?

So my blog I use for random purposes but I pretty much rant a lot, rather good or bad, its just something, haha. But I also do updates. I've been doing this Herbal life thing, tastes like rocks, but it makes you feel amazing because its full of vitamins and all this stuff that just makes you feel better. Its fantastic because all the energy I have!

Speaking of energy! My brother opened his own tattoo shop with another guy from our town. Its gonna be so amazing for him! And speaking of amazing? My sister got promoted as well! Its a good month! I started my summer classes and there keeping me busy enough to actually have some fun. Its odd to say I'm having fun, but I sort of really am. I can't wait for my fall classes to start cause it'll get more towards my Restaurant Management degree! Then after that, CULINARY SCHOOL. I am beyond excited and I'm super determined.

It's been a good few weeks, seriously! & Did I mention I got a ps3? and the best part? I didn't pay for it! Well, I will be, just gradually. My mom bought it for my brother when he stayed with us, and now its mine! So over all i'm really high on life and I don't think anything could bring me down <3

And I just realized I double posted.
But it was so early this morning that I forgot!
Oh well, this was amazing!

Every Day I'm shuffling! haha.


I'm very obsessed with clothes lately.

And the various things that go with them. A friend and I went to saphora yesterday and I realized how much I absolutely LOVE red lip stick. I will have to make an outfit from it. All classy and 40's. Oh yes, it will happen. I just have to get my camera first. That's the hard part! But until then I'm stuck with my dinky power shot.

Do you remember those regency movies that they liked India? Well, apparently brits liked india at one point of time, and I put together an outfit that resembles both, and its fantastic. Its an empire wasted dress and a few Indian like accessories, how fun? The only thing that would make it better? If my dress had Pockets. I love pockets in dresses.

It makes me want to read Vanity Fair, yeah?!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm a...


What are you? Who are you? Or well, the better question is who do people think you are. Because 9 out of 10 times people think your one way, but really don't know who you are.

I've been called many things, good, or bad. But it always surprises me when people decide to bring a few things up.
My Weight,
My Family,
Or personality flaws, that THEY see as a flaw.

Its just frusterating, honestly. Its like people think I woke up one day and forgot that I wasn't the smallest girl in america. No, that's not how it works. It takes a long time to gain it, and to lose it. Currently people don't realize how annoying it is for someone to not only make fun of your size, but to try and be like "OH WOW, You look good, so much better than before". Its like...um, what? So, you're telling me that I looked bad last time, whelp, thanks for that booster there...really.

Next thing is when people nag about your family.

Um, hey, it's your family, not theirs. It doesn't matter if I was related to a mass-murderer, it's not your business, so stay out of it. Don't you think it'd be boring being in business of other people ALL the time, can't be to healthy either, can it? Its better to stay away from other people's problems, cause there not yours, and unless your asked to help that means getting involved makes you a middle man. Thus the middle man is the one in pain the most.

Everyone has a flaw.

No one is perfect, and no one will ever be, but dang it, let them be!

It frustrates me when you talk to someone and they complain about how someone does something a specific way. OH WELL, that is their way of doing it, and THEY are going to be okay doing it that way, the world won't end.

This seems like a ranting post doesn't it? But you know what? I'm me.

I'm a...
loud mouth,

I'm a...
Sinner, saint, the best me that anyone can be.

I'm Original, and everything else can't be me, because I'm a creative serious frustrated person. I'm nothing in between, I'm me all the way, and you know what? Be proud of who you are, No one would want me any other way <3

Saturday, June 25, 2011


its annoyingly frustrating to be pushed around by people, isn't it?

Friday, June 24, 2011



Its so true how quick time goes!
I chose the song because it is one of the first songs I can ever remember actually memorizing and singing when it came on the radio. How cute, huh?

so I was cleaning out my car today and I left an envelope in my car. It was something we wrote in 8th grade and got our senior year right before graduation. I, like pretty much the rest of my class went to it, and you know, opened the envelope that was in it, and read the stuff. I really just skimmed it all, because I didn't want to get to much into any of it. I mean, most the people I was friends with then, i'm not now, so It was kind of eh. But I got it out of my car and started to read through them again, because, well I can't really explain why, cause there wasn't a logical reason behind it. I mean, its funny. A lot of who she was, influenced a lot of who I am today. I can remember that her determination was always admirable, and that made me want to be better. So it was a good thing!

I re read one from a friend who we used to be super close. I guess the person I am now, if I was when we stopped being friends (i'd probably be more reasonable now, haha. ) but fate had it, and we don't really talk much anymore, unless we have to. So I read through her letter and it was surprisingly deep for how old we were. I don't know what mine said, but I know I wrote one to her. I had forgot things that we'd once did.

Apparently we were hard core. want to know why?

We cut Gym.

Oh yeah, bad ass.

But really, We had a lot of good times, and something I can remember right after reading this is one afternoon we spent on her back porch lip syncing and acting out a whole broadway cd. How funny is it that I thought about that? I guess you get nostalgic from stuff like this, and seeing the pictures I put in there, wow we were some weird little kids.

But in the letter she mentioned writing the letter was so weird because she could just come up to me and say "Whats up?". Truth be told if she did that now, we'd probably both stare each other down. Its funny to think about things. I'm the sort of person who thinks through situations before doing them, all things have outcomes, one simple action can ripple into others. I'm hesitant, but at the same time impulsive.

The nestalgia made me think of my siblings, and what we've been going through, and how my brother just had a heart attack (he's okay. ) and how my sister is turning Thirty next week, and its just, wow. I had a friend over today, and my brother was in my room, and he was talking to me, and she laughed saying that she loved my siblings, she said they were all funny. They are, and they are always there for me when I need them, no matter how annoying! I don't care what anyone says, Blood is thicker than water, and I have three people automatically that will drop anything and help me. Not many siblings can say that. Some don't like each other, which is a shame because there what you have in the end.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, other than the fact that time goes fast, but that was showing in the picture! Anyway it's more of a ranting post, but not ranting, haha. But its time to get back to my homework~! This was a break, now I feel sort of refreshed to get back to this Business writing! How dull is that?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beside you


The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. -St. Augustine

I'm not much for saints and what not, but this one hit it on the dot.

I want to go to london.
and france, and spain and just every which place I could go.

I want to travel and see the world. Its just so hard when you don't have the money to do it. How discouraging, yeah?

But one day, even if I'm old and crippled I'll get there. There is no doubt in my mind that I won't. I have to many dreams and there to big to just sit and do nothing. There is to much in my heart to not see the world. I'm really interested in Slovenia right now, since i'm 1/2 Slavic.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Imitation can never beat the real thing


I am an Austen fan, never hidden that fact.

But when I decided to watch this BBC short seriese I didn't expect it to pull me in as much as it did. The similarities are SO similar. Once I watched it I saw things about the both same. I didn't want to get sucked into another brooding period characters and yet, I did. I find myself comparing him and Mr.Darcy so much, and its something about the grumpy ones that are so darn adorable. Well, at first you don't. You think "who is this Jerk and why can't we have someone nice?" then by the end your squealing in your seat if they have so much as an argument.

If you love the typical's like I do you'll love this. What I mean are books such as Little Dorrit, Jane Eyre, and of Coarse Pride & Prejudice. I mean, who doesn't love them? And nearly all the adaptations you can find somewhere or another if your just to Lazy to pick the paper back up. I'd recommend reading the books first, even though I haven't gotten a hold of North & South. I'm sad I haven't, but at least the BBC usually keeps things pretty accurate. I thank them for that!

Margaret Hale, is outspoken and headstrong and just like Eliza Bennett not ready to make a husband of someone who doesn't see her as equal. John Thornton is the handsom "Hero". His general air is unpleasant and seems just a grumpy person. Though, just like Darcy, Thornton turns out to secretly have heart. The whole of it all has a lot of passion and anger until the very end, when it finally becomes romantic. I LOVED how they did that. There wasn't lovey-dovey through it all, the both characters standing their ground.

Plus its historical!

How much better could it get? It shows the angst of workers in the revolution time, and how big business began, Its just a well rounded story. It shows the bad of those struggling and the good of those who succeed. Plus they all dress in Bland colors making the dirty city seem even more mucky and dirty and it just adds an atmosphere that is fantastic.

But to wrap it up, I love this miniseries.

The acting is amazing, the scenes are deep, and the costumes are periodic. What more could you want?

I want to watch the newest Jane Eyre now, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. What a bummer.

Ps: that's my picture, don't use it unless you ask. I made it all fancy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



1.full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing: We have every confidence in their ability to succeed.

Its hard to see the good in yourself. Expecially if you are the kind of person that I'm trying not to be. Its difficult to look at people and say "Okay, well they have that, but I have this" Its just nearly against human nature if you ask me. Jealous beings are humans, and to not be is amazing. It makes you feel good, and the kind of person you want to be is the kind that isn't like that.

Granted we all slip up, I mean come on were human.

But we need to see the good inside yourself or you won't live up to your potential. sure it sounds Cliche but its super true. If you can't look yourself in the mirror and say at least three good things about yourself then you need to work on yourself. Nothing else, not someone else, no boy, just you. You can't expect to go and be the best you can when you can't see good. Granted this is super hard. I find it hard to find even a single good thing about myself most days, but I try to. Even if Its just something as silly as those shoes look good on my tiny feet.

But, every day you are learning. Every day you grow into the person your suppose to be. You never stop truly growing.

2.belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance;

Confidence is beautiful.

Even if you are the dumbest person out there, you have skills. You just have to use them, for some people it might be finding them still. Once found or used it makes you feel so much better. I am not the smartest person in the world, but I'm okay at some things, and that makes you feel a lot better than just saying your not good at anything.

If you do something in life, its not set in stone. There are truly only a few thing sin life that will effect your life forever, and when I mean forever I mean in a big way. Every day life is changing around you, nothing can go back you can only move forward and by doing so shows the world that you haven't given up on yourself. Don't be the person that loses control, be the one that takes control.

Towards the picture, Perfect is what you make it. Its what you say it is, no one can define perfect. You are your own perfect, no matter what.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Be yourself, dang it.
Well the picture wise, Its true. Be positive referring to yourself. Don't be that fake person that no one wants to be with. Be the one that everyone wants to come to for help. Its much more fun :]

Business Writing has got me bored, I'm just tired of sitting in front of the computer already. LAME. But I'll get through it with flying colors!

Just gotta think about that prize, speaking of which I could really use some coffee today.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't let yourself look back next week and say "What if"
Just do it. Not like Nike, but yes in a way, like Nike.
if you want to exercise, JUST DO IT. :]

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



I went for a run/jog/walk thing today. This isn't my first time doing it, bu the last few times I've had a hard time actually running more than a short stretch. I don't know what i've been doing in my daily stuff but it's helping me run a bit better even with asthma. I was discouraged cause I couldn't be like those people who run in front of your house every day that DONT stop, but hey, I'm okay with that. I will keep doing it, and keep trying and eventually I might get there.

I started classes yesterday and oh boy, do they have you run around that place when you need to get something changed. I ran back and forth most the day trying to get two classes switched. I was super fortunate that I got to be able to do it, cause they usually don't let people do it. Oh, another lucky thing?


Its fantastic. Because I'm broke now thanks to a one hundred dollar book that I wasn't expecting to have to buy. LAME. But Its okay. I think this will keep me busy this summer and be able to get my feet wet before jumping all In. I mean I took some classes in the spring, but they met once a week, so it wasn't this epic and intense as a summer eight week class. I'm ready for the challenge though :]

Anyway, I just hope to keep on top of things and be able to go along. I should though, I love to read, and I'm okay with papers, and that's what the classes are about. So wish me luck!

I feel like things are going to change soon, its just a hunch.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Its already June and I feel like my blogging days are flat.
I mean, hey I've had some awesome thoughts, but I keep skipping, like a lot. But May//June was busy, super busy.
So my goal is to start more blogging, hopefully my Picture blogging soon. :]