Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm a...


What are you? Who are you? Or well, the better question is who do people think you are. Because 9 out of 10 times people think your one way, but really don't know who you are.

I've been called many things, good, or bad. But it always surprises me when people decide to bring a few things up.
My Weight,
My Family,
Or personality flaws, that THEY see as a flaw.

Its just frusterating, honestly. Its like people think I woke up one day and forgot that I wasn't the smallest girl in america. No, that's not how it works. It takes a long time to gain it, and to lose it. Currently people don't realize how annoying it is for someone to not only make fun of your size, but to try and be like "OH WOW, You look good, so much better than before". Its, what? So, you're telling me that I looked bad last time, whelp, thanks for that booster there...really.

Next thing is when people nag about your family.

Um, hey, it's your family, not theirs. It doesn't matter if I was related to a mass-murderer, it's not your business, so stay out of it. Don't you think it'd be boring being in business of other people ALL the time, can't be to healthy either, can it? Its better to stay away from other people's problems, cause there not yours, and unless your asked to help that means getting involved makes you a middle man. Thus the middle man is the one in pain the most.

Everyone has a flaw.

No one is perfect, and no one will ever be, but dang it, let them be!

It frustrates me when you talk to someone and they complain about how someone does something a specific way. OH WELL, that is their way of doing it, and THEY are going to be okay doing it that way, the world won't end.

This seems like a ranting post doesn't it? But you know what? I'm me.

I'm a...
loud mouth,

I'm a...
Sinner, saint, the best me that anyone can be.

I'm Original, and everything else can't be me, because I'm a creative serious frustrated person. I'm nothing in between, I'm me all the way, and you know what? Be proud of who you are, No one would want me any other way <3

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