Sunday, July 17, 2011



The saying is that god doesn't put anything on your plate that you can not handle. If I was given what my brother was, I don't think I'd do half as well as he has. No one knows what it's like to be looked at in a specific way because of what you look like. Not only that, but discriminant against by a school that supposedly was "Equal". Having a disability doesn't make you incapable, on the contrary it makes you much stronger than the average Joe. You have to over come so much more than anything in this world, and today, my brother is turning 23. He has cerebral palsy. Growing up I never noticed it until I was about 12 or thirteen when a friend actually asked what was wrong with my brothers hand. To me, nothing. But to other people they see something different. I saw my brother, the boy who could build buildings with one hand, literally. He was always fallowing my dad around helping him do construction work, and you know for a one handed fellow he's good at it, a lot better than a bunch of lazy people I know.

His whole life he's gone through so much more than any of us know. He had overcome everything the doctors set for him, but yet this world still looks down at him. Can you tie your shoe with One hand? It's really hard, trust me I tried to teach myself how to do it when I was a kid and guess what? I couldn't. My brother can so much and he's taught me so much. There is a type of nerve studies they are doing where they might one day be able to tap into the brain and try and get it to react with the parts of his body that it refuses to now, but when we talked about it he said he wouldn't do it, and I asked him why not? He replied

"My arm makes me who I am"

It's true. He's endured a lot more than the average person and then to deal with things like friend drama and school. Despite being my annoying older brother who is a pest, just like they all are, he's taught me a lot. He's taught me to never give up, because those who HAVE the abilities, should use them. Those who can learn to the extent that he cannot should take advantage of it, be thankful for it. Its hard to always remember that things really could be worse. I'm bad at it myself, always thinking "Well if I had this ,or if I could..." But its important to focus on what you have, because someone else in this world would kill for it.

So happy birthday Ronnie, You've really inspired me :]

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