Sunday, July 31, 2011



"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts." - Arnold Bennett

I started my new job today, and I'm loving it.
My feet hurt, but I feel like I kicked butt today, and I'm proud of it.

Outfit Breakdown:
Dress: Maurices
Necklace: Icing (Owls!!!)
Shoes: Jcpenny's
Cover: Maurices

OHMYLANTA, Can you believe that it's Pretty much August already? How awesome is that?! Plus, My summer classes will be over this week, and I'll have a short two week break! This week is going to be fantastic, Job opportunity number three is on Tuesday. Wish me luck! <3

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Working on a picture post, swear it.
I'm just really excited and can't hold it in. I got a new job at a Contemporary American and Asian cuisine restaurant. Its called Ko fusion and it has a really cool dollar night sushi where you can come in and have a really good fresh ingredient plate for very little.

I start tomorrow~
and I couldn't be more pumped
When I decide what I'm wearing, I'll do an outfit post.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Feel The Tide


"Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. "- Dean Acheson

Shoes:Jcpenny's, lol.
Necklace: Icing. (Love owls!!! )

I am really excited, and I just can't stop being excited. I have so many opportunities before me right now, and If I get them, I just...It'd be amazing. So,wish me some luck today (& tomorrow~)!

Remember that things happen for a reason, everything!
My friend and I had an amazing nigh last night, we ended up going to a store around here, and I saw this dude who just was the last person I'd ever thought I'd see, ever. Hahaha. In the midst of trying to avoid this one guy who my friend saw, we ran into the other, and I was like "WHAT?" No way. It was really funny because he was taking our game up to the front of the store, and he bashed into a side rail, I'm not sure why, but it was freaking hilarious. Then, we decided to drive around a bit after, and we ended up driving up one of those BIG sidewalks on the larger campuses, it was AMAZING. It was just, oh wow, I'm surprised I can breath today.

We topped it off with Dino-Nuggets, and the game Child of Eden, which is super cool!
It was a good day commander <3

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Long Live The Queen


Capri's: AE
Necklace: Juicy Couture (Charm) I don't know if you can see it but it's a little phone boot <3, Icing (Chain)

And all that stuff, haha. I'm actually British, were obviously in the states, but still. Always love the flag, and the Eiffel tower, and anything European.

On a side note, wish me some luck! Two possible jobs coming up, and I'd love to have three jobs going, ha.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Dress: Delias
Necklace: AE
Shoes: AE

Short! But I'm just happy I got a post in :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



If I lived in the City, I would spend ALL my money at Allsaints, I mean seriously? I love it so much. I found this shell dress and I absolutly fell in love with it. I looked at the price, guess how much?


How unfair is that?
No matter how much it is, I am in love with it. It's so retro, and it's got the flapper cut, and feel to it. How fantastic is it? <3

Might post another outfit picture today, haven't decided.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Pretty In Pink


Mumford & Sons; (NEW SONG! <3) Home

Dress: Delias
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: (Despite the fact you can't see it, ha.) Icing

So I saw this dress and fell in love with it, I had to have it. Wearing it makes you feel so girly and princess like, its amazing. It is really a good thing to have in your wardrobe, its comfortable to boot!

I love old school fashions, and this one is cut like 40's-ish, its really nice and I'm in love with it. I haven't actually worn it out yet since It just came in a few days ago, but when I'm feeling blue I think this dress will help me feel elegant and a little more cheerful.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Elenore Roosevelt.
(One of my favorite quotes! )

In order for others to view you as inferior, you must also have the feeling that you're inferior. Basically, when you say "so-and-so made me feel inferior" you subconsciously believe that you are in fact inferior. But don't think that, because you aren't. Granted there are exceptions to every rule, but not this one! :)

Positive thoughts!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why Not?


So, I've been meaning to start a clothing blog, and you know what? Why not mix it with the stuff I have? I have also been waiting on getting one of those fancy epic expensive cameras when I have a perfectly good once that can take some good shots!

So lets do a break down.
Shorts-American Eagle
Tank- American Eagle

I love me some AE, its so me, and I can spend so much money in that store its not even funny. So, a little more depth shall we? I started last summer-ish (about mid way, so almost a year now) trying to lose weight, I was peaking near 200lbs, and I freaked myself out. I was not happy, and so I decided to do something about it. I started doing more physical stuff, and eating less carbs, the basics. I went from being a size 16 to a size 12 pants in most places. I went from having a XL/1X shirt to wearing a Large, and its hard to see progress when you don't have good self esteem, but want to know my new goal?

To feel good about myself no matter what I look like, and to feel good about myself no matter what the scale says.

That means feeling positive, and looking good while doing it.

I hope to keep myself enspired by posting outfits on here, reminding myself that clothes are amazing and there is a reason why I'm addicted to them. Oh, and to remind myself that even if you are a bit hefty, it doesn't mean you have to show your muffin top, or let the chub hang. You can wear your clothes right and feel great while doing it.

Wish me luck <3

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pensive as Pensive can be


Its odd to think that one,Harry Potter is over.
and two that I'm in college. Things turn out just odd. I've been really pensive lately about everything and how things will go, and what I will do with my life. I want to create magical things (No pun intended, obviously) in this world. Help people, inspire someone to become greater than they even thought they could be. I want to be remembered.

Not just, oh yeah that was my aunt, but truly known for being someone who has done good in this world so full of dark. I know it all sounds cliche and lame, but its true. I'm like most people, searching for my purpose. I have some ideas but it seems like that doesn't always matter. Life will take you where it needs you, with out listening to protest from you.

On the subject of Harry Potter.
It's not over, I don't acknowledge that it is. I will start the books over, and watch the movies and when the time comes I will make my children read them. Yes, Make them. They will have no choice in the matter, haha. It is fantastic, and the role models in it are good to listen to. I mean come on, Hermione has been my favorite since the stat. She's awkward as a child, with frizzy hair. When something needs done, she gets it done and doesn't act like a coward. Unlike Bella Swan (Granted I liked the books, haha.) When her man leaves, she has a mental break down in the middle of the woods and goes mute for months at a time. But when Ron Leaves the group in the seventh book, what does Hermione do?

She gets the job done. Like a boss.

Sunday, July 17, 2011



The saying is that god doesn't put anything on your plate that you can not handle. If I was given what my brother was, I don't think I'd do half as well as he has. No one knows what it's like to be looked at in a specific way because of what you look like. Not only that, but discriminant against by a school that supposedly was "Equal". Having a disability doesn't make you incapable, on the contrary it makes you much stronger than the average Joe. You have to over come so much more than anything in this world, and today, my brother is turning 23. He has cerebral palsy. Growing up I never noticed it until I was about 12 or thirteen when a friend actually asked what was wrong with my brothers hand. To me, nothing. But to other people they see something different. I saw my brother, the boy who could build buildings with one hand, literally. He was always fallowing my dad around helping him do construction work, and you know for a one handed fellow he's good at it, a lot better than a bunch of lazy people I know.

His whole life he's gone through so much more than any of us know. He had overcome everything the doctors set for him, but yet this world still looks down at him. Can you tie your shoe with One hand? It's really hard, trust me I tried to teach myself how to do it when I was a kid and guess what? I couldn't. My brother can so much and he's taught me so much. There is a type of nerve studies they are doing where they might one day be able to tap into the brain and try and get it to react with the parts of his body that it refuses to now, but when we talked about it he said he wouldn't do it, and I asked him why not? He replied

"My arm makes me who I am"

It's true. He's endured a lot more than the average person and then to deal with things like friend drama and school. Despite being my annoying older brother who is a pest, just like they all are, he's taught me a lot. He's taught me to never give up, because those who HAVE the abilities, should use them. Those who can learn to the extent that he cannot should take advantage of it, be thankful for it. Its hard to always remember that things really could be worse. I'm bad at it myself, always thinking "Well if I had this ,or if I could..." But its important to focus on what you have, because someone else in this world would kill for it.

So happy birthday Ronnie, You've really inspired me :]

Friday, July 15, 2011


I'm tired of feeling like negatives come in 3's.
They really do, and it sucks.

Prayers would be awesome cause I'm sick of worrying if my Dad is going to last to see me get married. I thought he was healthy, and then BAM. But of coarse people don't stop to think about how it effects you personally. They ramble on about it and go on and on and never sit down and take a look around.

Oh, and Scrubs. It's my favorite show, and it's true, I'm always over thinking EVERYTHING. Example? I received my fasfa for the last three semesters of school and I know its a grant, not a loan, but yet I'm still afraid I'm going to walk into class and there like "Oops sorry, this wasn't legit, were going to have to take the money back". How sucky would that be, you know?

I dont know. I just feel like there is a bunch of stuff going on and me included can't just sit back and be happy about having a roof over my head, that sort of thing. Instead its worry worry worry. But I guess were just a product of society that way.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jumping Jumper


I hate computers sometimes. I had a nice lovely post, but it froze.

Anyway, Guess who has the money to buy the expensive amazing kick butt camera she wants?

This girl.

Guess who is to responsible to use that money, cause I know i'll need it?

This girl.

How depressing is that?

Oh well, I'll have lots of extra after class starts again, haha.

I feel like nothing deep is going to come from the keyboard today, but on a bright note I'm super excited for tomorrow, I get to go to Chicago, I'm pretty happy.

I can't wait