Monday, August 22, 2011

Day One-ish

So I'm to tired to do an inspiration post. But instead I'll break down my day.

I started my day thinking I was only going to Four classes today but by the end of the day I was taking Five!

I got up at 6 o'clock this morning.
Took a shower
wasted time
went to school, went to the bookstore to find that I couldn't get my other book today. But good news? I don't need the book for like two weeks, ha. Tried to return a book for a class that got canceled, but couldn't do that 'cause the system was jacked up. SO, kept the heavy books. Trucked to the councilors office, set up an appointment to change my major for a SECOND Time, ha. Set appointment, went to first class. I'm glad my first class the teacher is upbeat. Its a business management class and the teacher is cut and dry but in the good way. He doesn't sugar coat, and he makes the class extremely passable. Then, my computer class. GONNA BE A CAKE WALK. Oh my lanta, it will be so easy its not even funny. After that, I have a break from 10:50-12:00. First I went to the business office to see if I could get into a business 101 that was canceled last thursday, and luckily I could! I got that done, and went along my way. Instead of actually going to have lunch like I should have, I ate a pop tart and sat in the C wing of the school reading my management book and taking notes. Yay for nutrition! My next class is a Theatre History class, and it does NOTHING towards my degree, but I really wanted to take it anyway, so I am, and the teacher is really nice. I have another break after that, an hour. Then I got to my math class where the teacher is odd to say the least. After that I have another break this time it'd three freaking hours! that sucks, I'm telling you. But it's only on mondays and I got my class in! So in total after my first semester at the school I will have 21 credits thanks to my 2 summer classes :]

anyway, im beat. Bed time? Yes.

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