Friday, February 11, 2011



I'm not a normal one.
Really, I don't party I don't drink, blah blah blah. Sure, the adults all say "WAYTOGOYOUDIDNTSCREWUP!" but really, what the heck? I feel like I haven't done anything worth anything, ya know? I mean, not like Skins where its like an every day thing drinking and smoking and all that jazz, but you get it. Something, i guess.

Currently, I'm saving some money up, and my stash dwindled just a bit, BOO! But Never the less I'm still Saving. I want to get a Canon 60D camera, oh mama, they are pretty and I want one. I was going to try for a Canon 40D, but it's the older version, so why not do the most recent? Anyway. Saving money is a lot harder than it seems. FOR REAL. I can't wait for it to get warm out again, so instead of being inside I can go out and walk when I'm bored instead of wanting to go some place and shop. Really It'll help a bunch! SO GET WARM ALREADY.

Besides that. I'm having a hard time really wanting to be my 'typical' self. My goody-goody self. I want to get my nose pierced, and to my parents that TOTAL Taboo, but hey. Its something I want to do, and If I'm the one paying for it, why should it be a problem, ya know? But there making a big deal about it still. I want to do something that's teenage like I guess. It's odd, but at the same time it's not. At this age were suppose to want to just say screw it and do what were not suppose to. All my siblings before me did it, but again; I'm different!

Anyway, Wish me Luck on the saving Money thing, cause I want to get a Laptop as well;for college and what not <3
Send my some good luck at not spending it all!

OH! And want to know what I realized the other night? I've actually lost 21 Pounds, can you say HELL YEAH!?

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