Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Singles Awareness Day!


Guess who felt cute today? Oh yeah.
Anyway, despite the fact of it being Valintines day and me not having a beau, I didn't have a bad day. I also made an edible arrangement! No wonder they charge so much for them! Geeze, they are a pain, but SO pretty! Check my food blog for that! It was pretty nice actually. Made a nice dinner and had so much fun making it. One thing I do want to say that I kinda like about this years valentines day is how they are doing the commercials and it's like "Not about the me or you, but the US" it's kinda nice to hear, even to a single person. Ya know? I think it's that whole not just about the girl. Cause that's selfish.

So! I adore the outfit I'm wearing, and I'm sad that the earrings couldn't be seen, they are adorable. They are circles, which look like there coated in a pearl type material with red roses on them. They are so vintage, I adore them! I have a goal of feeling better about myself. I've been trying to lose weight and all that, just for the fact of losing it. Not for the reason I should be. I want to see myself better, and the only person who is going to be able to change that is me!

I'm going to be positive! Which is hard for someone who isn't very skinny. But I look good even though I'm bigger. My hope is that when it starts getting warmer I can go buy a new bike, and start biking to places like the bank to cash my paycheck, and to the store, even though I live out in the country. I'll let you know how that goes!

Its important to see yourself in good light, to see yourself as you can do things. Its just a must to succeed, and I'll get past it!

Speaking of bigger, ha. I gained a few pounds, then lost it back, so I'm at a slump of like twenty one pounds. BOO! But keeping hope! :]


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