Comparison is the thief of Joy.
To be frank I can't tell you who first said it, but I remind myself of these words so much that I'm contemplating tattooing them onto my body. Six words. Six, small words that join to mean a deeply powerful phrase. I find myself on a day to day basis comparing myself to people. I've always done it, and It doesn't do anything but make me stir crazy. I pass people on the street, at work, at school, and I compare. Constantly assessing ways that their life is better than mine, or their grades are better or they have cooler things going on in their lives. When in reality its just something I've built up over the years to bring myself down. Its a habit I've been working on breaking, and with the success I have in it, I've noticed something else.
People don't smile.
When you walk into a room of people very few of them have a pleasant look on their faces. Its like they are ghosts passing though waiting for the rest of the day to just end. Which I understand, but at the same time It almost brings me down. I find myself smiling at things out of the blue. When the sun hits the trees just right and the pathways light up in a perfect natural way, that makes me grin. Seeing birds fly directly above you, or that one song that makes your insides jump, each makes me smile. The look on your pets face when they see you, sheer happiness. Even smiling makes me smile.
It makes me wonder what kind of world we are inheriting. There is something to be said about showing some sort of compassion even in the form of a smile. To me, thats the easiest and quickest way to show humanly compassion is just to smile.
Anyway. That seems to be all the words I can muster together at three in the morning.
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