Tuesday, June 21, 2011



1.full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing: We have every confidence in their ability to succeed.

Its hard to see the good in yourself. Expecially if you are the kind of person that I'm trying not to be. Its difficult to look at people and say "Okay, well they have that, but I have this" Its just nearly against human nature if you ask me. Jealous beings are humans, and to not be is amazing. It makes you feel good, and the kind of person you want to be is the kind that isn't like that.

Granted we all slip up, I mean come on were human.

But we need to see the good inside yourself or you won't live up to your potential. sure it sounds Cliche but its super true. If you can't look yourself in the mirror and say at least three good things about yourself then you need to work on yourself. Nothing else, not someone else, no boy, just you. You can't expect to go and be the best you can when you can't see good. Granted this is super hard. I find it hard to find even a single good thing about myself most days, but I try to. Even if Its just something as silly as those shoes look good on my tiny feet.

But, every day you are learning. Every day you grow into the person your suppose to be. You never stop truly growing.

2.belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance;

Confidence is beautiful.

Even if you are the dumbest person out there, you have skills. You just have to use them, for some people it might be finding them still. Once found or used it makes you feel so much better. I am not the smartest person in the world, but I'm okay at some things, and that makes you feel a lot better than just saying your not good at anything.

If you do something in life, its not set in stone. There are truly only a few thing sin life that will effect your life forever, and when I mean forever I mean in a big way. Every day life is changing around you, nothing can go back you can only move forward and by doing so shows the world that you haven't given up on yourself. Don't be the person that loses control, be the one that takes control.

Towards the picture, Perfect is what you make it. Its what you say it is, no one can define perfect. You are your own perfect, no matter what.

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