Its so true how quick time goes!
I chose the song because it is one of the first songs I can ever remember actually memorizing and singing when it came on the radio. How cute, huh?
so I was cleaning out my car today and I left an envelope in my car. It was something we wrote in 8th grade and got our senior year right before graduation. I, like pretty much the rest of my class went to it, and you know, opened the envelope that was in it, and read the stuff. I really just skimmed it all, because I didn't want to get to much into any of it. I mean, most the people I was friends with then, i'm not now, so It was kind of eh. But I got it out of my car and started to read through them again, because, well I can't really explain why, cause there wasn't a logical reason behind it. I mean, its funny. A lot of who she was, influenced a lot of who I am today. I can remember that her determination was always admirable, and that made me want to be better. So it was a good thing!
I re read one from a friend who we used to be super close. I guess the person I am now, if I was when we stopped being friends (i'd probably be more reasonable now, haha. ) but fate had it, and we don't really talk much anymore, unless we have to. So I read through her letter and it was surprisingly deep for how old we were. I don't know what mine said, but I know I wrote one to her. I had forgot things that we'd once did.
Apparently we were hard core. want to know why?
We cut Gym.
Oh yeah, bad ass.
But really, We had a lot of good times, and something I can remember right after reading this is one afternoon we spent on her back porch lip syncing and acting out a whole broadway cd. How funny is it that I thought about that? I guess you get nostalgic from stuff like this, and seeing the pictures I put in there, wow we were some weird little kids.
But in the letter she mentioned writing the letter was so weird because she could just come up to me and say "Whats up?". Truth be told if she did that now, we'd probably both stare each other down. Its funny to think about things. I'm the sort of person who thinks through situations before doing them, all things have outcomes, one simple action can ripple into others. I'm hesitant, but at the same time impulsive.
The nestalgia made me think of my siblings, and what we've been going through, and how my brother just had a heart attack (he's okay. ) and how my sister is turning Thirty next week, and its just, wow. I had a friend over today, and my brother was in my room, and he was talking to me, and she laughed saying that she loved my siblings, she said they were all funny. They are, and they are always there for me when I need them, no matter how annoying! I don't care what anyone says, Blood is thicker than water, and I have three people automatically that will drop anything and help me. Not many siblings can say that. Some don't like each other, which is a shame because there what you have in the end.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this, other than the fact that time goes fast, but that was showing in the picture! Anyway it's more of a ranting post, but not ranting, haha. But its time to get back to my homework~! This was a break, now I feel sort of refreshed to get back to this Business writing! How dull is that?