Thursday, January 6, 2011

Je T'amie


Have you ever felt so Much love for something it aches in your stomach. but this is the good way. It really is. That little girl up there, she's the sweetest, most stubborn, frustrating little girl I know. And I don't know a little girl i love any more. I get to see this little goober at least once a day and if I don't i feel like my world Is just off balance. Really, I don't know how I could love someone any more. She's my niece, and I do have another niece who is a few years older than her, but we don't have the same connection. Sure I love her just as much, but it's different.

I got to watch both Juli and Kaiti the other night, and usually my Mom keeps tabs on Juli when she stays the night, but she has been sick the last few days, so I got to watch Juli. I had luckily got Kaiti as well. From what I thought was just me watching her for a few hours turned into her staying the night. It was a bit rough, I have to admit, and I can't imagine how I'll live when I have my own kids, but I know that when the fire rocket finally laid down and fell asleep, I sat and watched that cute face for nearly half an hour before trying to fall asleep. I adore that kid. Seriously.

I think that connection is sort of like how a mom is to their kids, but she isn't mine and all. If that's the case I'm excited to one day have kids and have that amazing bond that shares so much love. They might drive you crazy and mad all day long, but that one moment makes it worth all the ache.

When I move out in the next year It'll be hardest not being by Kaiti. I have never felt so much love to me as well. Little kids are so blunt and showing in the way they feel that it's just refreshing compared to the rest of the world. No matter what Though I think about how even though I will be away, I still love her, and that can't change.

"Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?" - Richard Bach

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