Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Good Intentions
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Work Work Work.
Its true.
But yet I yearn for a job. ugh. Its dumb, and I'm feeling totally discouraged even though they haven't even called any of my people. Which, they should be doing. ha. Just wish me some luck, cause Im feeling sucky!
Short post today, but it holds all the meaning in the world right now. I'm having one of those Grain of sand moments in life. Cause it's really not that big, but it feels HUGE and super MAJOR. Even though its not, and I'm just spazing out. Anyway, I'm off to bed! Its been a long day. Tomorrow were going to Strawberry Fields though! YUM! :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Lets do this
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine It when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone
I don't usually wear Much Makeup, ever. But Have you ever Noticed how it makes you feel almost like a different person? Rather that's good or not, you gotta ride with it I guess. I've Put Makeup on SO many times, to just take it off, cause I liked the original feel better. I don't know how people can wear Eye liner, shadow, base, powder, mascara, and still feel like they don't have anything on. I can barely wear mascara and eye shadow with out feeling like a total whore. Odd. But I like it, because It keeps me natural. && I eat so much garlic in my foods, that my skin doesn't really need the base and what not. I usually wear some Consealer under my eyes when I'm tired cause I've got deep set eyes, with Racoon bottoms, ha. But other than that, its not much.
I think people should work on their feeling with no make up. Get to the point where when you actually wear makeup you feel terrible cause in thirty years from now when your face is all try and what not from all the makeup, what'll you do then? Ya know?
Anyway, Wish me Luck today, cause I'm taking a step in my life that I'm SUPER excited for! =D
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Pretty, pretty please
Dont you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than
Fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing
You're fucking perfect to me
Confidence is a funny thing. you can have confidence, sure but with one negative comment. It can be shattered into a million pieces that can't be picked back up. Its hard to think about, but sometimes you have to just get through the yuck, through the never wanting to get out of bed stages of the day. Confidence gives us the means to survive, yeah? Seeing someone with confidence is an amazing thing, they are content with their place, where on lookers can see them, and almost feel inspired.
Its hard to be confident, trust me. Its difficult to see the good in yourself when all you can focus on is the bad, but thing is, everyone has at least one amazing thing about them that they should like. Despite looks or jeers of others, you do what you want to, do what would make you grow as a person. Confidence is scary. One of the most scary things ever. It can keep an amazing singer from standing up in front of a giant crowd and sing, just because someone said she had funny teeth. What kind of life does that lead to?
Some people say confidence can be found in things. Things like alcohol; that just makes you feel terrible the next day. Makeup; that gives you acne, and makes you love a fake face, not your real face. Bullying; when can making someone feel bad, make you feel better? How can their misery be worth that. Confidence can't be drawn from something, well unless its positive. Negative confidence it bad. It make for a fake feeling, and hard to keep. But when it's real conficence, like scoring well in a class, or feeling pretty cause you lost that four pounds. Whatever that is, learn from that.
You want to keep your confidence for a rainy day, when soemthing might bring you down. Everyone struggles with that. Feeling like your worth it, like you can do it, that your pretty. All hard things to deal with, even myself I am having problems with. But sometimes, it just takes a bit of traveling in the dark to see the light ahead. You can make it out of the darkness, really. I've realized lately that things happen for a reason, and trust me i'm not one of those people who have a lot of faith in things, but its true. I've been in a dark place, and the light does appear, you just have to focus on that light when the dark appears again.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Java Junkie
See that Picture up there? Yeah, that's my baby. Its going to make me have a tummy ache, but i'll stay up! I will have to work out like crazy to take it off, but eh.
Oh Hai, daytime. Lets just say when you go to bed at Five in the morning, then have to turn around and work at nine. Wow, how much of a trip is that? like you guessed it I had to work today. I am in fact still working for another hour or so. I work a desk job, so nothing interesting what so ever. Its so terrible! I mean, I sit at the desk a and wait for the phone to ring, and then most the time they hang up because its sunday and they realize i'm not on the site. Ugh. Sundays suck. And everything is closed on Sundays! Well, besides Walmart. But walmart is just the freak of all stores, Ha. (I shop there ALL the time. )
Its a long day, but I don't wanna stop till eight or nine, Or I'll be up at four or five tomorrow! Yuck. So, wish me luck, and take a shot of espresso for me! (Yuck, don't. That stuff is STRONG. I have drank a double shot espresso with out anything in it, and MAN that stuff will make you grow some chest hair. Really. ) I should make it without to much damage.
Thank god for coffee and especially flavored coffees. I hate regular coffees unless there is flavors in it ;)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Adventures of Willynoka and Shank ;)
Older chests reveal themselves
Like a crack in a wall
Starting small, and grow in time
And we all seem to need the help
Of someone else
To mend that shelf
of too many books
Read me your favourite line
Blessed. I mean, for real. Even though Twenty four hours isn't so long thinking back on the time we used to have, the countless days where we would sit for hours, just not doing anything, sometimes being mad at each other. It's been hard as hell, but I have the memories that are hard, but sweet at the same time. I wish we could have more time to make more memories, but we just have to settle on less. We got to spend time together and I'm happy for it!
Our night started out with a lot of soda, seriously. Can you say open bar? hahaha. I mean were not of drinking age yet, so what is the next logical drink? A shirly temple. Oh yeah boy! That is the smallest drink you can get at a bar, lol. But hey, it works! So, moving on we were at a LOVELY reception. I mean the best idea, i think so. they got married in Florida, then had their reception here near both their families. It was AMAZING. It was so pretty, they had a cake, like the normal kind, but on every table instead of having that guilty 'should i get cake, oh dang, i ate a roll at dinner, maybe not....' they SO had adorable mini cakes at the table, and can you say Cinnamon and Chocolate? YUM
Anyway. We played like ten rounds of pull, and we both sucked worse each time!
I beat her, she would beat me. Then her mom would come around and beat us both. Haha. The reception was a bit long, but It was really fun, and I'm glad we did it. Home bound! Well, at least that's what we thought. Lets just say we got lost, and we got lost good. We had to turn around when the street signs stopped looking familiar, and we totally drove into the boon-docks. haha. So we turned around, and instead of it taking only like a half our to get home, it probably took at least an hour or more. But hey, I got to hear her lovely voice sing out halleluia while i freaked out trying to figure out where we were. Hahaha. I loved it.
Back at my house, we had my awesome brother there, who is usually a pain. But he had his good time, really. He had us find Hey!Aronold on netflix. Can you guess what we watched for like four hours? Move it football head! I can't see the tv! Oh, and did I mention we had more soda? Yeah. Crazy. Plus picture taking, RED VINES, and not going to bed till five in the morning. It was fun as all get out. And I loved that we got to be together, even though I wish it was longer.
We got up this morning, and made colored French toast ;)
When I get the pictures It'll go on my other blog! The only thing that ever seems to be our Issue is Time. But I still had fun, and wouldn't change it.
Friday, January 21, 2011
For real. Ever had those days when you could sit around and do nothing? I'm totally having one of those days, that's why this post is just going to be lazy, exactly how i'm feeling. I guess lazy days can be good every once in a while, but All the time is just a no no.
So for today, I just leave you with a quote, and a few words. Ever seen Michelle Phan on youtube? I adore her. Check it out!
So for today, I just leave you with a quote, and a few words. Ever seen Michelle Phan on youtube? I adore her. Check it out!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Making up...
...for lost time. FOR REAL. I just have so much flow of energy right now, that the only thing I can think of doing, Is blogging,ha.

I saw this, and LOVED it, and had to post it. it's true you know. How many average people do we have in this world that just spit ball around things, really? And they never take that step up to become a great person. And those who are great don't often see it until; well its to late! Or few do, and they make their ideas come to life, and make something out of themselves.
Then we have those amazingly sucky small people who just live to make your life suck. And it makes them feel better about it. How terrible is that? Like me; I try and be nice to people. (Unless i don't like you, then I just flat out dont talk to you) But to try and be nice to people and they just spit at your feet? Isn't that crappy? I mean.Ugh. I totally had this friend once, who now we barely speak, but if were in the same room at least I TRY and be civil. She just shoots me down. Yuck. Does that qualify as a small person? Cause I think it does. estjskljgtsjkdgf. I'm totally taking the picture as doing, instead of just talking, but hey. I think it works, don't you?
I saw this, and LOVED it, and had to post it. it's true you know. How many average people do we have in this world that just spit ball around things, really? And they never take that step up to become a great person. And those who are great don't often see it until; well its to late! Or few do, and they make their ideas come to life, and make something out of themselves.
Then we have those amazingly sucky small people who just live to make your life suck. And it makes them feel better about it. How terrible is that? Like me; I try and be nice to people. (Unless i don't like you, then I just flat out dont talk to you) But to try and be nice to people and they just spit at your feet? Isn't that crappy? I mean.Ugh. I totally had this friend once, who now we barely speak, but if were in the same room at least I TRY and be civil. She just shoots me down. Yuck. Does that qualify as a small person? Cause I think it does. estjskljgtsjkdgf. I'm totally taking the picture as doing, instead of just talking, but hey. I think it works, don't you?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Next to Normal
I've a new addiction.

This Musical, it's addicting. It's amazing, and so oddly like my family it's crazy. Really? its AMAZING. I love it, because it shoes how crazy lives are, even when they seem to be the 'perfect' family. I mean, we all have that kid in ANY thing your in and their parents are ALWAYS there, and they ALWAYS do whatever they can sign up for, and you almost wanna slap them cause it's so annoying, but you can't help not like them because they are so nice, ha. It's an amazing show, and I want to see it so bad. It isn't around any time soon, but I want to go to chicago when it comes to see it.
"No show on Broadway right now makes as direct a grab for the heart — or wrings it as thoroughly — as “Next to Normal” does. This brave, breathtaking musical focuses squarely on the pain that cripples the members of a suburban family, and never for a minute does it let you escape the anguish at the core of their lives. “Next to Normal” does not, in other words, qualify as your standard feel-good musical. Instead this portrait of a manic-depressive mother and the people she loves and damages is something much more: a feel-everything musical, which asks you, with operatic force, to discover the liberation in knowing where it hurts. Such emotional rigor is a point of honor for “Next to Normal,” sensitively directed by Michael Greif and featuring a surging tidal score by Tom Kitt, with a book and lyrics by Brian Yorkey and an astounding central performance from Alice Ripley." — Ben Brantley
This Musical, it's addicting. It's amazing, and so oddly like my family it's crazy. Really? its AMAZING. I love it, because it shoes how crazy lives are, even when they seem to be the 'perfect' family. I mean, we all have that kid in ANY thing your in and their parents are ALWAYS there, and they ALWAYS do whatever they can sign up for, and you almost wanna slap them cause it's so annoying, but you can't help not like them because they are so nice, ha. It's an amazing show, and I want to see it so bad. It isn't around any time soon, but I want to go to chicago when it comes to see it.
"No show on Broadway right now makes as direct a grab for the heart — or wrings it as thoroughly — as “Next to Normal” does. This brave, breathtaking musical focuses squarely on the pain that cripples the members of a suburban family, and never for a minute does it let you escape the anguish at the core of their lives. “Next to Normal” does not, in other words, qualify as your standard feel-good musical. Instead this portrait of a manic-depressive mother and the people she loves and damages is something much more: a feel-everything musical, which asks you, with operatic force, to discover the liberation in knowing where it hurts. Such emotional rigor is a point of honor for “Next to Normal,” sensitively directed by Michael Greif and featuring a surging tidal score by Tom Kitt, with a book and lyrics by Brian Yorkey and an astounding central performance from Alice Ripley." — Ben Brantley
Monday, January 17, 2011
This is totally true. But in the same way, should you regret something that might have made you smile, but wasn't good for other people? I know that blurry line thing, it's a mess. I dunno, but that's not my focus right now. Could you think about things in the future with things in the past your regret? Sure, that's why it's called the past. That's something i'm trying not to dwell on, is the past. It's hard to look at the future, especially when it's scary. But who can say it's not scary? People as beings that we are, fear the future.
“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.” Fulton Oursler
Its hard not to not let the two go hand in hand. Really, between Work, family, hell those are big enough groups to just take up all your time in themselves. But that's not to mention things like saving your money, schooling, what you want to do with the rest of your life, a career, not just a job. I feel that I'm in the place that many before me stand, the crossroads. The roads that are either make it or break it for me. I have dreams, and my dreams are so MUCH bigger than this small town. I can't believe how much I want the change, it almost hurts how bad I want it. But at the same time, it huts to bad to get it. The change, the unknown, I don't know anyone in this life who doesn't think about them. But some people are lucky enough for it not to bother them. I wish I was that way.
I have many things I want to do in my life. Like travel. OH MY GEEZE. I want to travel. I am fascinated by culture, by other cultures. Sure, America has some, but were still little, ity bitty kids compared to places like china, who have had sooooo much more culture than we have. I want to make things, pretty things, beautiful things. Not logical. Not anything like that, I want to make poems, books, food, music, Anything. SOMETHING. I feel like I'm screaming, and people don't hear it. Maybe if I make something pretty, it will be seen? Smelt, felt? Something that's not heard?
But you have to take the step. The first step. The hardest one. There is no way that you can't fear it. It's the step into a door that the people in the past will be no longer be in, the tears, the cries, the laughs. They are no more there any more. The new door, it's promising, it's like a new light. That light that almost doesn't make it so fearful. It makes it exciting! it makes it new, and something that could change EVERYTHING! But then you have...A bump. A bump in a road that keeps you stuck in that old door. The one full of dark. And holy hell. Who wants that?
Then you start thinking on the regrets? What did you regret in this dark door? The hopes of the door that don't really seem that scary any more. And now you want that light door. That one or two thoughts that were regrets, they hold on to you like rope around your wrist, they wont let you go. And then theres people...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
What is that? Faster than a speeding bullet? Dark in the shadows like a bat? Hanging from a building like a spider? Lassoing to get the truth? What do you think about when you hear those words? I hope you think of superman, batman, spider man, and wonder woman. But a real hero? Mine isn't one in the books. Granted they kick some serious make believe butt, but that's not the real world.
What is a hero to you? My topic is just that today. I am going to my granny and Papa's house today, and I'm really excited to see them. My Grandma has a six week rest of chemo where they are basically making sure the cancer is gone. I am so Proud of her, it's ridiculous how much she has been through and how special she is to me. The doctors were able to catch the cancer early on, so this should be it! She has been through a lot more than just that, and she is really a person to look up to.
Shes living a good life, and knows what to be thankful for. A lot of people today don't realize it's just a good thing to have all of your children live and breath every day. They don't see the small things as much of anything. But my Granny? She does, and her and Grandpa are just amazing people and deserve so much. They deserve the biggest house, the richest sums. But the thing is, I don't know if they'd take it. They are proud people, that show what love is. The two of them, I've never seen fight, argue, and they are still married.
They have built a family, and watched them grow to have us, and to even have my nieces and nephews & second cousins. It's amazing how it all started with them. And with out them? Where would we be? I can remember childhood memories of being at granny and papa's house and it was the best thing to have family all together. The atmosphere is just different there, its full of love. It's amazing.
I am really excited that all of us will be together in the summer to for a wedding. And you know, It'll be so much fun to have all of us there. and It will mean the world for Granny and Papa to see us all. Because they are what helped us get to where we are. They share stories with us, and help us through our problems.
So let your heroes be those in the capes, and hoods. But mine? They live in a small town and love unconditionally. When you think about your heroes jumping from building top to top, sure that's pretty cool, but what about the people in your life who taught you to sew, that let you ride on big pieces of equipment? At a place where you learned to run barefoot across sharp rocks. Those people are my heroes.
&& As a parting thought. Pray for those who have gone through what my granny has. What they still go through, and what their families struggle through. Just remember, every day is a gift, that's why it's called the present.
Friday, January 14, 2011
How do I love thee?'s true <3
I've learned over the years that Love can come in so many forms. I've learned that sometimes what you think might be love, is just some dust in your throat, and really not anything. Or the same time what you feel is love can ruin a friendship. I like to point out that love is given, and received, but it's like presents, it's always better to give than to receive. Because the more you give love the more love will be given back to you.
What do i mean by love? Sure hugs and kisses are love, but it's much deeper than that. Its more than people can describe. The want, the almost need to do things for the person. To make sure they are better off than yourself, the selfless reaction to another thing. Love can be for your pets, or for your sister, even for the plants in your living room.
I personally have so many loves in my life that I tend to forget how many people are in my life that love me back. Isn't that how a lot of people are though? they only focus on the bad? What they Don't have? But it's my mission to live this year where i focus on the good. Such as my Grandma. My granny is the strongest person i know, and I love her to the end of the earth and back. She needs so much love to fight the monsters she has, and so far she has. And I love her even more for being so strong!
I have friends that I love. Ones that are no longer 'friends' but now 'family'. I have a best friend, Faith (who took the picture at the top! ) Who doesn't live near me, but when we see each other, even though it's only been for really short times, its like she never left. Even though I love her so much that when I pass her house, I still picture us yelling out her window, and laughing at the cars, that my stomach aches. But you know what? Our love is amazing, because it continues even though were apart.
There is something call toxic love to. Some people think it's love, but it's really just a mess.And thats not a good situation. I pray and hope that i never have that sort of love. That despite some arguments, and such my love will be near pure.
Anyway. A parting thought? Show some love to people you might not usually show love to. That friend from second grade? Give them a call and ask them to lunch, you might not know it then, but they might need that love: Badly.
So spread the love <3
Thursday, January 13, 2011
When I walk down the street, I stop at the sight of a flower growing through the sidewalk. I see that little flower growing strong, being beautiful. Do you find beauty like that? I mean they say beauty is only skin deep, they mean people in that way. But in nature do you stop and say 'wow. that's pretty. i'd love to take a picture of that': because I do. I see that, but its harder to see the beauty in a person.
I know I am guilty at looking at a girl and saying "wow, she looks like a snob" Because the way she looks. But I've also learned that the person I've once judged could become my next best friend. I feel a bit lame when that happens, but i guess I'm just human, and we make those sort of mistakes.
So my challenge to you, and to me. Find ten beautiful things before breakfast that usually you wouldn't notice. Because I am going to try ;]
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts." - Arnold Bennett
I think change is a funny thing. I've had a lot of change in my life that I don't even realize is changing. But then i have 'major' changes, that after a while i can't see why they were so big at the time. That whole grain of a sand is really not a mountain thing. I get that a lot. I guess you can say I over react. Or I just am not a very good person at seeing Way way into the future. But a lot of things are about to change for me, and i hope i have the strength to grab it by the reigns and ride.
I am going to be graduating High school in two days. I never thought i'd make it to thirteen, yet alone actually an adult, who is going to college already, and starting a new chapter in my life. I hope it will be an amazing chapter, and despite some of the drawbacks and discomforts i will encounter, It will work out for the better :]
Monday, January 10, 2011
Lets switch it up?
So instead of an entry, I decided to post a Poem today :]
I hear the word,
called almost each day,
loud and vibrant like the waves
of a distant wave
i see the faces in those waves
the places, and cases that might be
those waves pull me closer
to reveal a special message
just for me
the message abrubt like my own mind
speaks softly through the sands of time
to not give in
not give up and one day become something more
to become what is great
My Wish is to be one
one with the waves one day
to travel near and far
distant lands are but a thing of my past
Rushed away by Waves
Let us rejoice in the waves that have washed over
the tides that have passed
and waves that will soon meet with us again
Maybe we will swim in the same ocean once more
to feel the waves upon our faces
and to feel the same power
as once before
we will rise above the waves
and reach high, screaming loudly to those who opose
reaching for the strength beneith the waves
for now it is a passing blame
just to let the waves reach the plains
and remember a day once passed
When Waves brushed against our feet and merry meet
please one day
bring those back
a day i wish for, our feet to meet, and plant them within the sand
to watch the waves come in and out on the land
Sunday, January 9, 2011
What is your dream?
"Life is never easy for those who dream.” -Robert James Waller
For real. I think that quote is so true. And to think every person in the world has a dream. A dream to succeed, to lose a few pounds, to get a promotion. Whatever your dream is, people have them. Some take them for granted, have been jaded enough, brought down to where they have forgotten their dreams and just live day by day. This to me is not way to live. How sad is it not to dream. Really?
My dream? To be a chef. I really am passionate about food, and one day I hope to create it for people who enjoy it as much as I do! Food brings people from all walks of life together
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
I've made quite a few resolutions for this year. I want to get fit, for one. And to open up, because I'm not the most open person in the world. Maybe it will get better if I open up? If you open up to life, it will come in, yeah?
anyway, Update on the big resolution front! Sure everyone takes in the 'I'm going to lose weight' resolution. But I AM! :)
I have a schedule:
Monday: Total body burn
Tuesday: Fat burning cardio!
Wednesday: Total body burn
Thursday: Walking/Jogging the trails
Friday: Chose between total body burn or fat burning cardio
Saturday: Just dance, or Dance Central
Sunday: Wii fit yoga (Like my day off.)
Anyway, I'm sticking to it so far, and feeling the burn!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Je T'amie
Have you ever felt so Much love for something it aches in your stomach. but this is the good way. It really is. That little girl up there, she's the sweetest, most stubborn, frustrating little girl I know. And I don't know a little girl i love any more. I get to see this little goober at least once a day and if I don't i feel like my world Is just off balance. Really, I don't know how I could love someone any more. She's my niece, and I do have another niece who is a few years older than her, but we don't have the same connection. Sure I love her just as much, but it's different.
I got to watch both Juli and Kaiti the other night, and usually my Mom keeps tabs on Juli when she stays the night, but she has been sick the last few days, so I got to watch Juli. I had luckily got Kaiti as well. From what I thought was just me watching her for a few hours turned into her staying the night. It was a bit rough, I have to admit, and I can't imagine how I'll live when I have my own kids, but I know that when the fire rocket finally laid down and fell asleep, I sat and watched that cute face for nearly half an hour before trying to fall asleep. I adore that kid. Seriously.
I think that connection is sort of like how a mom is to their kids, but she isn't mine and all. If that's the case I'm excited to one day have kids and have that amazing bond that shares so much love. They might drive you crazy and mad all day long, but that one moment makes it worth all the ache.
When I move out in the next year It'll be hardest not being by Kaiti. I have never felt so much love to me as well. Little kids are so blunt and showing in the way they feel that it's just refreshing compared to the rest of the world. No matter what Though I think about how even though I will be away, I still love her, and that can't change.
"Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?" - Richard Bach
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Silly people
What do you suppose is the reason? I mean what do you think the point of living is for? To be the best person you can be? To please a god that you don't even know is real? I've learned that its hard to believe in something that is not always seen. I grew up as a Christian, but to say other religions are bad as well, what is that? Who is to say that Buddah, Jesus and Muhammad aren't up in the sky watching all of us ya-hoo's run around? Who can say?
Anyway. My point of this is to talk about life. What makes us think that the 'right' is really the right way of doing it? Who says we can't stop the line and get off to become a hobo? Its odd that society thinks of things the way they do. That it is bad to do specific things, but behind curtains society does even worse? I hate that. I hate people who think society has no point as well.I Mean, it does, and EVERYONE cares to a point of what others think, i mean i don't care who you are. I used to be that person 'I don't care what they think' but in all honesty, that's a load of crock. Because I did, and I still do. I just don't care at an extreme level like others. Some people who say they don't care, are just being defiant for the point of defying. Now that's crap to.
Why not play the system? Instead of making such a fuss about it, work it. I mean I get the point of if something really is just bothering you to the core, to yell scream and make a fuss, but to small insignificant things? What's the point? Do you feel like your in power, when those above you are really just appeasing you until they have to opportunity to yank it from you? I don't know. I think people are just funny, and odd things. That they really don't have a flipping clue what to do, and just act on impulse, and that is good to a point. But really people, do you have to be such a prick about it?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Uhm, Who loves a Disney movie? I DO.
&& Tarzan, its my favorite in the whole world. Well, as far as Dinsey movies go and what not. haha. I don't actually know what my favorite movie is. Well, like most people my age, we grew up with Disney and it makes a lot of impressions;
Random Lessons
Dreams Make a Difference
Beauty and the Beast: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover.
Finding Nemo - care for the ones you have, because when they're gone you'll miss them
Fox and the Hound- you can be friends with whoever you want despite social differences.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
A Goofy Movie- Your parents can turn out to be some of the coolest people
The Lion King- Don't believe what others tell you about yourself, but what you believe about yourself. I don't run away from responsibility
Peter Pan -shows how you can't be young forever you have to grow up sometime and take on responsibility.
The Little Mermaid -You don't have to be unhappy forever, your life can change no matter what the circumstances.
Pinocchio - Your Parents know when your lying, lol.
Be With Someone For Love
Snow White saw him outside... he came to her. I don't think she knew who he was. She certainly didn't know he'd come and wake her from the spell.
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) didn't know Phillip was a prince or that she was a Princess when she met him. She met him in the woods and when she went back and was told she was betrothed to the Prince she got very upset-- she didn't know Philip was the Prince.
Cinderella didn't know he was a Prince. She fell in "love at first sight" with him... then the bell rang. She said she had to go. She said, "Oh, the Prince; I didn't meet the Prince!" She didn't know the guy she was smitten with was the Prince.
Belle (Beauty & the Beast) found a monster in a dark, for boding castle where she was being held prisoner... how could she know?
Ariel saw Eric on the boat... I don't think she really knew he was a Prince.
Aladdin was never a prince and Jasmine still loved him.
Neither was Shan Yu(the guy Mulan ended up with).
Tiana fell for a frog.
I think Disney is pretty Nifty :D
Monday, January 3, 2011
Carpe Diem
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Can you believe what has happed?
In such a short year?
Yet the past is still open,
loud and clear
back and forth little bits
we speak seldom,
yet as often as we can
pull eachother a conversation when we can
but the other will not
i find it odd sitting here now
looking back at what once said
a once "Echo if you will"
Do you recall?
I've found it recent, that thought of the echo...
did we ever think it would come to this?
The way we are, separate and apart
would it make a difference to slap you and tell you no?
When something has happened that i cant seem to let go
will you cave back?
That day did come...
But it's not exactly how we thought
feeling betrayed by the only person once trusted
Its odd now to think...
how far we are from the days of cleaning closets
and singing with all that we can
those days...They seem so far apart
so distant and away
its odd to think back at it now
and wonder, how much time has faltered,
how much have we waisted?
How we wont be together?
its becoming curiouser and curiouser i must agree...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
I am Shannon Ann, I am a firm believer that my name has far to many 'N's in it, but I suppose its something that makes me, me! I am not your typical fashion addict. I used to hate clothes because the way I look. I am not a size zero and felt that clothes weren't a thing for me, I got upset, frustrated and just swore off trying to look good. Not to mention I butchered my hair, so from the ages of 9-15 I went through what I call my "Sub-Human" stage, meaning if you knew me then, I'm terribly sorry! I realized my sophomore year of high school that it was actually fun to be girly, and since then I've loved it!
I love vintage things, but at the same time, I can't STAND some of the things they did. I look at it and am confused why they would EVER want to wear it (like bonnets, I'm not a big bonnet fan. Really? ), but over all I love it! I get a lot of help in the 70's/90's department from my Mom, who has always had a thing about looking good, because you never know what you'll do, or who you'll meet! I've slowly adapted this concept, most days. I have my days where I don't want to look pretty! But I also am the kind of person who likes the natural pretty, there is nothing more ugly to me than a person who has a fake tan, and twenty layers of makeup on. I believe that beauty is natural, and you can't fake nature.
I started this blog as a self-inspirational sort of thing. I want to prove that I am pretty to no one but myself. To show people that its okay to not be a size zero, and be healthy, and look good while doing it. I would have loved to know someone who could have told me that in my awkward sub-human stage, and now I can't imagine not wanting to look good because when someone tells you "Oh, I really like your dress" Its the best most reassuring feeling in the world! I use a Canon Rebel xs with a lens that I don't remember at this moment.
I want to travel around the world and take amazing pictures of it! I've learned to appreciate the taste and effects of coffee, and have pretty much became an addict to it. I LOVE the smell of brewing coffee and being in a bookstore, you can't top it! Oh, speaking of Books; I love them so much! If I like a book and spend a few hours a day reading them, I can knock out a four book series in a week! Yes.
I am absolutely in love with Jane Austen, and anything historical. Not to mention I couldn't exist without my Disney movies. I have to watch Pocahontas when I'm sick ;D I also really love Harry Potter, Glee, The Hunger Games, The Gemma Doyle Triolgy, and anything I can read that catches my interest! I love words!
I'm a Sagittarius through and through, no doubt about it, I was actually born on thanksgiving the year I was born, not the usual turkey dinner that year I'm guessing! Anyway, I'm pretty flipping crazy, but I'm also pretty freaking awesome ♥
"Petite Hibou" Literally means Little Owl, and Owls & Eiffel towers are kind of my thing. My name actually means "Wise" And owls sort of just go with that, as well as my short stature, it just works!
I'll spice this up at some point or another :)
I am Shannon Ann, I am a firm believer that my name has far to many 'N's in it, but I suppose its something that makes me, me! I am not your typical fashion addict. I used to hate clothes because the way I look. I am not a size zero and felt that clothes weren't a thing for me, I got upset, frustrated and just swore off trying to look good. Not to mention I butchered my hair, so from the ages of 9-15 I went through what I call my "Sub-Human" stage, meaning if you knew me then, I'm terribly sorry! I realized my sophomore year of high school that it was actually fun to be girly, and since then I've loved it!
I love vintage things, but at the same time, I can't STAND some of the things they did. I look at it and am confused why they would EVER want to wear it (like bonnets, I'm not a big bonnet fan. Really? ), but over all I love it! I get a lot of help in the 70's/90's department from my Mom, who has always had a thing about looking good, because you never know what you'll do, or who you'll meet! I've slowly adapted this concept, most days. I have my days where I don't want to look pretty! But I also am the kind of person who likes the natural pretty, there is nothing more ugly to me than a person who has a fake tan, and twenty layers of makeup on. I believe that beauty is natural, and you can't fake nature.
I started this blog as a self-inspirational sort of thing. I want to prove that I am pretty to no one but myself. To show people that its okay to not be a size zero, and be healthy, and look good while doing it. I would have loved to know someone who could have told me that in my awkward sub-human stage, and now I can't imagine not wanting to look good because when someone tells you "Oh, I really like your dress" Its the best most reassuring feeling in the world! I use a Canon Rebel xs with a lens that I don't remember at this moment.
I want to travel around the world and take amazing pictures of it! I've learned to appreciate the taste and effects of coffee, and have pretty much became an addict to it. I LOVE the smell of brewing coffee and being in a bookstore, you can't top it! Oh, speaking of Books; I love them so much! If I like a book and spend a few hours a day reading them, I can knock out a four book series in a week! Yes.
I am absolutely in love with Jane Austen, and anything historical. Not to mention I couldn't exist without my Disney movies. I have to watch Pocahontas when I'm sick ;D I also really love Harry Potter, Glee, The Hunger Games, The Gemma Doyle Triolgy, and anything I can read that catches my interest! I love words!
I'm a Sagittarius through and through, no doubt about it, I was actually born on thanksgiving the year I was born, not the usual turkey dinner that year I'm guessing! Anyway, I'm pretty flipping crazy, but I'm also pretty freaking awesome ♥
"Petite Hibou" Literally means Little Owl, and Owls & Eiffel towers are kind of my thing. My name actually means "Wise" And owls sort of just go with that, as well as my short stature, it just works!
I'll spice this up at some point or another :)
Two thousand and Eleven
525,600 Minutes...
It's just, wow. I can't believe the year has already gone and passed. There were so many ups and downs. Anyway, this is a short one, cause I don't have much time! I've got a new years resolution like most: To lose weight! Wish me luck ;)
And to all of you out there, who have the same goal, stick to it! Let's see that gorgeous bod and that triumphant look on your face when you meet your goal!
There are 525,600 minutes in a year, how did you measure 2010? I hope you took a lesson from RENT and measured those minutes in Love, cause I know I did <3
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