Okay, so it's been...a While.
For one, I've got exactly three days until I leave for Texas and the only things between that and now is one review packet and one final, on the day I leave. Oh, and Packing. I haven't finished packing everything because whenever I tried to pack stuff up I just ended up pulling it all out in search for something I'd already packed! It was extremely counter productive! So now three days till- and I'm only half way packed. I should be able to get it all packed up in time, and if not then it must not be that important! My dad finally went and looked at a house, and the cool thing? Well, there are a few. I could literally bike to EVERYTHING, well besides school. But the house is so close to things that It literally blows my mind, it's something I'm not used to! Another cool thing about the house is it has a separate "living quarters", Aka, where I'm so going to be staying! Its sort of like a mini apartment, so I'm really excited to get down there and see it! But unfortunately no final decision has been made. I guess it'll happen in due time!
I feel like I have three million things to say and I just can't think of anything to say.
Well, I did post a picture, finally!
Its a dress that I got a long time ago, and It looks far better than it did when I bought it. It'd from Delias, and the amazingly beautiful hard to walk in strut shoes are from payless I'm pretty sure! I was working on sorting my clothes a while ago and I made the ultimatum thanks to some tumblr followers to keep the dress, and those are the pictures that came with the verdict!
Onward to a new topic? Erk. They say that blogging and writing stuff down makes you think a bit clearer, but a this point in time everything is so all over the place in my own mind it seems that even writing something sort of doesn't help. Lets see, other important things? Um. I've knocked four minutes off my running mile! Thats very exciting! I've actually come to love the trails that are in the town I live in and I try to get out there every day, but let me tell you heat+running=death. I really don't like to be hot, I don't mind sweating, that's not the problem. Its that nasty suffocate your face sort of heat that we have and just makes you gag. I HATE IT! But I get through it because I've felt my body get stronger over the last few months and I'm proud of my slow accomplishments! Oh! Not to mention I'd like to give a go at Yoga! They say that yoga is as successful as weight training, and Yoga is really good for stress levels. Since I stress out like a 95 year old woman I think it'd be really awesome to get into, no to mention I saw a video on Tumblr the other day that when I first saw it, I cried. It's so moving. WATCH IT! <3
And now that your all weeping like me, just remember that people can really do amazing things when they are pushed. Believe in things like that, because that's the only way your going to get through this crap hole we call "Reality". At that, I believe you make your own reality. A proverb says "Those who think they CAN'T, and those who think they CAN, are both usually right!"
Hopefully I can keep more active on this, especially with moving, I'd like to document it in a way so I can look back and be like "Why was I so afraid to make this really amazing life altering step?"
Anyway, that's all I can think of for now!