My Musica has been majorly indie lately, has it not? I'm digging the indie vibe <3
Not much is exciting or making me think. Well, that's not true.
I got a text from a friend today that upset me. You know how a group claims to be accepting of all, but turns out there not? Yeah, its bull. I've had experiences with this personally, people are just well, they suck. This friend of mine is really nice, and people have no reason to be mean to her, because she's just doing her job. She might be more eccentric than others, but at least she's happy. Don't bring her down with your negativity please. Oh, and if theres and issue, wouldn't you want to talk to her about it direct? That seems pretty logical to me. But hey, I think different than a lot of people. I am different than most people.But oh well. On another note...
I'm hungry like, a lot!
I'm thinking it's a growth spurt, cause usually I don't wake up in the morning and are hungry. That's weird for me.
So, hopefully I'm not all messed up! Oh well I guess.
Guess what I'm excited for? Prom.
Odd, right? But I bought an amazing fantastic, super expensive (oops) dress that I love to pieces. I feel like Belle, literally. My niece saw it and was like, BELLE DRESS! It was presh. I am excited for it, and can't put my finger on why...oh well.