Wednesday, April 27, 2011

thoughts are a thinkin'


My Musica has been majorly indie lately, has it not? I'm digging the indie vibe <3
Not much is exciting or making me think. Well, that's not true.
I got a text from a friend today that upset me. You know how a group claims to be accepting of all, but turns out there not? Yeah, its bull. I've had experiences with this personally, people are just well, they suck. This friend of mine is really nice, and people have no reason to be mean to her, because she's just doing her job. She might be more eccentric than others, but at least she's happy. Don't bring her down with your negativity please. Oh, and if theres and issue, wouldn't you want to talk to her about it direct? That seems pretty logical to me. But hey, I think different than a lot of people. I am different than most people.But oh well. On another note...

I'm hungry like, a lot!
I'm thinking it's a growth spurt, cause usually I don't wake up in the morning and are hungry. That's weird for me.
So, hopefully I'm not all messed up! Oh well I guess.

Guess what I'm excited for? Prom.
Odd, right? But I bought an amazing fantastic, super expensive (oops) dress that I love to pieces. I feel like Belle, literally. My niece saw it and was like, BELLE DRESS! It was presh. I am excited for it, and can't put my finger on why...oh well.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'll find strength in pain


I will hold on hope, & I wont let you choke <3

Oh mumford. I love thee.
the next time they are close to me, I will murder a man to see them!

I am just ekltjseljfklserfes. I don't fan girl over things often, but I LOVE them. I can rock out to them when I'm happy, sad, angry, anything! Its fantastic. Plus their sound is new compared to others around. It's the techno hip hop pop, which I'm so in love with as well, but Mumford? There fantastic.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Find my way

home is a funny thing. its like its the day it is to be determined where your home is. One day you feel amazing at your house, but the next, its like the world ends there. Its odd. I guess its right the saying that says its the people, not the place. Its important to have you family there.

I feel like i've been slacking major on this blog >.>
But good news! I've got a laptop on its way in the next few weeks. No i'm not birthing it, I'm going to have enough money to get a good one. But my problem will be, Laptop, or CAMERA? Oh geeze. I want a good camera. I'm looking at a canon rebel eo3 60d, Its lovely. But its also got a lovely price tag.

wish me luck.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The more and more I see of this world the more I am dissatisfied with it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hello Seattle.


Guess who is learning how to make Graphics? :3
I'm getting good at my FAVORITE CUT OUT WORDS. Its fun. And a pain all in the same.
& Guess who is also loving indie-ish music. I've always loved it, but its just growing SO MUCH lately. I love Mumford & sons, Obvs. As well as Imogen Heap and a fine frenzy have been added to my list of Loves. Its amazing, and I feel all nifty.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011



I want to write a story one day.
One that people will read and love

Saturday, April 9, 2011

This movie made me cry


Up made me cry.
it made me cry like four times through the whole thing.
I love old people & old people are so cute, & so are babies!
The world is like that

Friday, April 8, 2011



I love hippies,
other than the fact that they stunk.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



Do any of you play video games?
I do, and I love them. Despite being a girl, I feel like I'm not that 'Typical' gamer girl out look. I love music, fashion, geeze do I love me some dresses. But I also like other things. But Games, they just suck me in. I love to play them! I don't just play one kind either, I love dance games, final fantasy games, Fable like games. I just like them all...well not true. I've never been a fan of Halo, but I think that's just me being bias cause I suck at it.

I've always played them though. I can remember being really little and playing with my brothers. Of coarse them beating me. But hey, I could probably beat them now. It's just been something that's always there. Even growing up, I went though a total geeky phase, but thankfully I had just as geeky friends to go through it with, ha. It was an interesting time I guess you could say. Its defiantly interesting to see me look back on it now, saying "WHAT WAS I THINKING?"

but what I did, who I was, who I was friends with turned me into the person I am today.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

he lives in you...


I was reminded today of how my grandpa used to wear plaid and stripes, and I really hope that doesn't live in me. :/

Friday, April 1, 2011


Wow, who imagined it'd go by this quick?

Its already april, geeze.