Dude. It seems like there is a major blow out in blogs lately. Over the years I can honestly say I've made like a bazillion of these things, and never kept track of any of them, but now? I think I really might keep on this one. Anyway. This is going to be a place for me to just talk about random happenings, and things that cross my mind that I find pressing.
This is my first post in this blog specifically, so shall we do the formalities? I am Shannon, I like to read write, draw, paint. All that lovely starving artist sort of things. I think that's a screwy term, don't you? Thats for another post though. I cook, and I love it. I hope to culinary major, but as of right now i'm just getting my Gen.Eds and possibly some business out of the way. I love Disney movies, really they are an addiction of mine. And those little baby bell wedges of cheese? With a bagel and some tea, Man I'm in heaven. I'd like to tell you that I'm the most important person on this earth, and I can't. But what I can tel you is I am important, because every person is important no matter how much of a jerk that dude who stands at your work every day, he's important in some way or another. Anyway, A bit of me, there you go and I hope you'll read on. Or if not, eh that's not really a bit deal either. The world will still turn ;]